1,995 People Control Your Life

TaxesYesterday approximately 20% (3,188) of Keene’s registered voters turned out to decide on a 33% more expensive Teachers’ Contract than the one that was voted down back in March. 62.5% (1,995) voted to approve the Teachers Contract. That’s a total of 12.4% of Keene’s registered voters who’ve decided that you’re going to be paying more in property taxes (or more in rent, if you don’t own).

How could you be against this? Do you hate teachers? Do you hate public schools?

Of course I don’t hate teachers. Education is very important. That is precisely why it needs to be taken out of the hands of government. Eating is important too. Would you want the government deciding what you can eat? Would you want government bureaucrats distributing food? If not, why would you want bureaucrats deciding what your kids should learn? (more…)

Introducing the Pro-Liberty Voter’s Guide!

Lady LibertyElections can be depressing. Usually you are presented with a choice between Big Government Candidate A and Big Government Candidate B. In most cases it’s not even worth voting. Here at Free Keene, we want to change that. We’re going to give you a reason to show up and vote by recommending Liberty-oriented candidates who have signed the Small Government Pledge. You can find the full pledge at that link but here is the essence:

“I will vote small government. Every issue. Every time. No exceptions. No excuses.”

That’s right, Free Keene will be endorsing candidates in the 2007 Keene Municipal election! We have already found one candidate with the courage to sign the pledge. Find out who she is, get details on how to vote, and learn more about what we’re doing at the Pro-Liberty Voter’s Guide at http://vote.freekeene.com