Response to an Anonymous Coward

It appears that someone has created a hit piece blog directed against several of the bloggers and the ideas presented here at Notice a couple of critical differences between our blog and the hit piece blog:

  • Here at, everything we post has a comments area. Anyone with an e-mail address can post their comments on this site. The hit piece blog however, has no comments option.
  • Every blogger at is clearly identifiable and they’ve all written their own biographies. Our bloggers are your neighbors, friends, coworkers, and maybe even your family. The blogger at the hit piece is anonymous.

From this point on, for the sake of simplicity the anonymous blogger will be called “Fred”. In his first post he writes,

This blog is for all of us who believe that Keene is a great place to live and to raise our families.

I agree. Keene is a great place to live. If it weren’t for the ever-growing Keene government, Keene would be a super place to live!

It is for those of us who believe that our community is at its best when local people work together with the well being of families and children as their top priority.

What about people with no family or children of their own? Should their top priority be someone else’s children? I think the community is at its best when each individual sets his own priorities in life.

This blog is for Keene residents who take pride in their community, and value people above politics and ideology.

People like Fred who support the status quo of ever expanding government are the ones who support politics above everything else. Those of us who support liberty and reducing the role of government in our lives are actually the ones who value people above politics.

This blog is for people who believe that our local police are dedicated professionals, and our allies in helping to make Keene a safe place to live.

This blog is for those of us who believe that our public schools are one of our community’s most valuable assets.

No one here is opposed to protection or education. The issue is how things are funded. It’s time that the police and government teachers offer their services on the marketplace just like everyone else does. If indeed their services are so valuable, they shouldn’t have any trouble getting customers.

Finally, this blog is for those of us who believe that our community should not be used as a battleground for political fringe groups wishing to advance their own ideological agenda.

Is he suggesting that the advocates of liberty are a bunch of violent crazies? Are the people who support liberty on the “fringe”? You would think that if we were so “fringe” that we could just be ignored. The fact is, whoever is behind the hit piece blog has put an awful lot of effort into researching some of us “fringe” Liberty activists. If our ideas are so fringe, why the effort?

It’s because they are scared. The Liberty minded people that write this blog have good ideas. Fred and the people like him don’t have any ideas. All they have is the big government status quo. People like us threaten their precious power over others, so it makes sense that they will respond by lashing out. Just keep stomping your feet, Fred. It must be frustrating to have an indefensible position.

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

Keene is not a “battleground”, because Fred and the other advocates of coercion have already lost. They just don’t know it yet.

Stay tuned to for more rebuttals of the misinformation at the anonymous hit piece blog!

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