Couch Court Audio & “ORDERS”

If you have been following the freedom couch situation, you may be interested in the following information. First is “justice” Burke’s explanation for his triple contempt of court ruling against me, called an “ORDER ON DEFENDANT’S CONTEMPT” (.PDF) Second, is his “FURTHER ORDER ON CONTEMPT: FINE PAYMENT ORDER” (.PDF). Despite the fact that I just spent the weekend in jail, which was originally supposed to be in lieu of fine payment, he still demands payment of a $120 fine or 10 hours community service. I have decided that the final card I’m going to play in all of this is to make one last offer. I will offer to pay $240 to the Keene Community Kitchen if Burke’s agency will accept that as satisfaction of the fine payment. Will he be feeling charitable? I’ll let you know what he decides.

Finally, here is audio from the majority of the behind-closed-doors trial that was forced upon me. Sorry I didn’t get the entire thing. I began the recording as the couch enforcer/prosecutor was testifying. By this point, Burke had already slapped me with a second 30 day sentence for “contempt of court” for refusing to answer a question about my “legal name”.

Thank you again to everyone who supported me in so many different ways! To those who would critique me saying I didn’t go far enough for their liking, to them I say, “I look forward to your arrival here in New Hampshire so you can show us how it’s done.” I’d say the same to those complaining I should have picked a better battle. (Of course, I didn’t pick this, the government people did, but I digress.)

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