What Battlestar Galactica means for the liberty movement and you.

BSGI had originally intended this as a forum post, but thought the message was a little more deserving of a wider audience, so I’d like to share my thoughts on the Battlestar Galactica finale and what it means for the liberty movement, and you specifically. Below the post, I’m including the final scene of the series finale of SciFi’s re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica, for those who haven’t seen it. BSG is a show that in over four seasons told the story of the near extinction of mankind at the hands of the machines they created, the Cylons. In the finale, an alliance of human-friendly Cylons and humans makes a stand against the vindictive anti-human Cylons and one Cylon’s choice has drastic consequences. Here are my reflections on what Battlestar Galactica meant to me, and they do include a spoiler:

Battlestar Galactica is a cautionary tale about evolution. Mankind is not subject to evolution, but the creators of it within themselves. The episode suggests that mankind has become very technologically advanced while not following suit on a spiritual and personal level. As we are well aware, this is mostly because governments have kept people dumbed down and angry, making them easy to manipulate and extract wealth from. All of the conflict in the world demonstrates that man is still having a tough time with being loving toward his fellow man enough so that each is allowed to be free. That is precisely what we’re changing. We are part of the “something surprising” that Caprica Six mentions in the final scene.

Is it really a surprise, though? The Free State Project was born as an idea. It has grown organically and has become and continues becoming reality, as all ideas have the power to do. Like the unexpected rising and blooming of a flower, the FSP can seem like a surprise from a macro perspective, when really it was just a natural consequence of the idea of the state. It’s a simple matter to trace the cause to Jason Sorens having an idea about how to change things for the better. Was his idea spontaneous? Yes and no. It was in that it probably popped into his head at some point, but it was not in that it was also the result of the conclusions he’d drawn about his life’s experience so far.

Either way, it doesn’t matter. We are at choice in the matter of our evolution. Battlestar suggests that if mankind doesn’t advance spiritually and personally (I suggest at least to the point of allowing others to be free.) prior to the rise of robotics, that our creation will destroy us. We are on the cusp of this stage in evolution and the choice lies with you.

The only disappointing part of this episode was the chief’s choice when the final five linked and truly knew each other. His rage I empathized with but I was saddened by his choice. His thoughts immediately manifested as a chain of violence erupted due to his refusal to forgive and his subsequent violent act. I was hoping he’d forgive her – it’s part of what we need to do.

In the real world, the people calling themselves the state have destroyed many lives and it is easy for us to feel like the chief especially if those lives have been our own or those of loved ones. Many lovers of liberty call for “justice” and want the statists punished. They want revenge or restitution. I think the truce option would better serve us all. If they will stop hurting peaceful people, that’s where it should end. I am willing to forgive them. I choose peace and love over continued conflict. What about you?

It has happened before and shall again – or will it? It’s not too late to change ourselves and create a new story. You just have to choose.

What is your choice? Will you choose to continue the cycle of violence, or will you choose love and forgiveness? It seems that more liberty minded people are refusing to lower themselves to the level of the state and choosing the latter. Do you choose to peacefully evolve? Do you choose a voluntary society? If so, are you in New Hampshire yet? People making these choices in close proximity are far more influential on those around them. Join us if not in Keene, then in New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project. As BSG points out – there is a sense of urgency here. The rise of the robots is coming soon. Do you want that to happen while the evil of the state still exists in people’s minds?

Note this youtube of the final scene of BSG does not include the very end where the camera pans to a TV playing clips of todays’ robotic technology. As Neo said at the end of the Matrix, where we go from here is up to you.

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