The City of Keene’s Hall of Shame

The Homeless – They’re easy to marginalize and blame for their situation. With the economy in a tailspin, the dollar facing hyperinflation, the FDIC billions in the hole, a commercial real estate bubble ready to pop, lending restrictions tightening, Obama spending money like the Weimar Republic, and over 2,000 banks expected to fail next year, unfortunately many more may end up joining them.

It is said the compassion of a society can be measured in the way the poorest and most misfortunate are treated. So after regulating, licensing, and taxing this community out of prosperity, now this unfortunate element of society; this unintended consequence; stands as a black mark the city’s bureaucrats are working to erase. Take an honest look at how government helps the poor who don’t go along with the welfare program:

(Video for Part 2  below)

I’m sure Dale Pregent, Mayor would love to hear your thoughts on this issue:

(603) 357-9805

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