Poor Finances = Less Human Caging in NH

Today John Lynch signed a bill which is intended to reduce the prison population by 18%.  Was this law enacted to stop caging human beings like animals who commit various victimless acts?  No, we could only wish the government would be so compassionate.

The law was drafted, argued for, and enacted because it stands a chance of saving the state up to $11,000,000 over a five year period.  Caging humans like a stray dog costs money, you know.  The state prison population has increased %31 and the corrections budget has doubed from $52 million to $104 million over the last ten years..

Although I wish the motivations for this change were for reasons that I (and many of you) wish they were for, I am happy to report that it appears less human beings will be ending up caged like animals in our one-day-freer-state.


A FSP Legislator Has Victory, Again

Two days ago House Bill 1373 became law.  This bill establishes a committee to study the effects of current state and federal laws on illegal drugs and the possession and use of such drugs.

Any honest and evenhanded review of these laws will see they are causing far more harm than they are designed to eliminate.  The primary sponsor is Joel Winters from Manchester…  who bears the proud title as being the first Free State Project member to be elected to the NH Legislature.

I tip my hat to Mr. Winters…  this is an excellent political victory.

Words On Paper

What is it about words being written on paper that causes the vast majority of people to think that using violence is an appropriate thing?  Have people no independent source of understanding the morality of an individuals actions?  If I get twenty people together and nineteen agree to write down that I can use violence against the lone unfortunate twentieth person, does that make it right?

Why was it apparently virtuous to use violence and imprison someone who wished to protect a fellow human being from the horrors of chattel slavery?  Words on paper.

Why is it apparently virtuous to use violence and imprison someone who wants to grow a plant on their property today?  Words on paper.

Why can the people of Derry, NH enjoy the freedom to set off fireworks on a day celebrating a “free” country without violence being used on them?  A screw up in locating a specific set of words on paper.


Detained in Concord For Being Out Late At Night

Last night Concord, NH area liberty activist Garret Ean was detained for the crime of being out late at night and for looking generally youthful in appearance.  I’d like to start a discussion on how I believe Garret (and possibly you) could handle this situation better in the future if confronted by the police.

To begin…  please listen to the Porc411 call he made —> 2010-06-29_03-00-58.mp3

I believe Garret should have remained perfectly silent and not answered a single question from the police.  He voluntarily gave his information to the government when he did not have to.  The officer claimed that he was looking out for his “safety” and that children sometimes make poor choices.  Whatever.  The fact is that Garret was under no obligation to speak to the government.  The only thing he should have said is a question: “Am I being detained?”  If the police say that you are, start your stopwatch.  Keep track of the length of your detention.  A roadside detention or traffic stop does become a de facto arrest if the police prolong it without justification.
