Open Letter to Keene City Officials Who Invaded my Home

To Fred Parcells and Gary LaFreniere,

On June 14 at approximately 9am (barely 2 ½ hours after I went to bed after getting home from work at 4:30am ) I was rudely awaken by knocking and shouts of “hello, this is the Keene Fire Department, we’re here for an inspection.”

As I opened my eyes, I noticed my bedroom door was ajar – a clear violation of my privacy.

I closed the door, got dressed and walked towards the stairs to find out why my sleep had been disturbed. My landlord explained that a man with a robe and hammer (Edward Burke) signed papers stating the two of you could intrude into my home.

Both common sense and legal precedent state that you are ultimately responsible for your own actions. The Nuremberg Principles state “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.” In other words, “It is not an acceptable excuse to say ‘I was just following my superior’s orders/just doing my job’.” Your title and papers do not absolve you of personal responsibility!

In an attempt to hold you responsible, multiple times I requested either or both of you to apologize for disturbing my sleep. Each request fell on deaf ears. Once again, I’m requesting an apology. Additionally, I’m asking for $20 restitution to compensate me for my lost hour of sleep.

If an apology and restitution are not received in 10 days from today (June 15) I will seek out mediation. If arrangements for mediation are not established by July 2, I see no option besides seeking restitution in a civil suit before a jury. If it is necessary for me to file a civil suit, I will seek additional restitution in the amount of $20 per day for each day after July 2 until a resolution is reached.

In Peace, Freedom, Love & Liberty,
Darryl W. Perry

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