Shire Society Declaration vs. US Constitution

A reader/commenter has asked me the following question regarding the Shire Society Declaration:

BTW: How is that “Shire Society” document NOT just another Constitution-type, set of simple statutes? In other words, SAME THING, as the current system of (unjust)laws???

I is none constitutional scholar… but I’d say the vast difference is found in the second provision of the document:

Second, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

If all of the sudden a 28th Amendment were to be smacked onto the United States Constitution which mimicked the above, we would have a voluntary society.  A society where wearing a costume and a piece of metal on your chest no longer instills a magical ability to initiate violence against someone.

Imagine that.

This question may be one that other people not directly involved in liberty circles have.  Perhaps you could have a better explanation to this question than I did?

Please, show me up below.  😀

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