Here’s Josh’s bio from the bloggers page:
An avowed and proud egoist born and raised in New Hampshire, Josh is new to Keene and is studying architecture at Keene State College. He was fortunate to develop his mind and concepts of reality in a relatively free area of the world. Unfortunately, he was born to such people, been to such “schools” and subjected to such circumstances as to learn from first hand experience the nature of authority and the frustration of constant assault against individualism. With an artists mind and sensibility, Josh has always run against the grain, resisting any and all attempts at confinement and conformity. Rejecting the notion of God as nonsense by age six, he has always felt a compulsion to shatter the illusions of authority around him. The pseudonym Vesuvius describes perfectly the new fire of activism and awareness roaring from a once dormant peak, the activism of the Free State Project being that awakening rumble.