Announcing Keene411!

PhoneThanks to one of our Manchester liberty activist friends, Keene411 has launched! It’s like an SMS party line. You send a text to a phone number and the message is blasted out to an unlimited number of phones via Twitter. Here are the instructions for signing up:

  1. Create a Twitter account and verify your email, or have your user name and password handy.
  2. Text “Start” to 40404.
  3. You’ll get a text back, text your Twitter user name to 40404.
  4. You’ll get a text back, text your Twitter password to 40404.
  5. Go to and click follow.
  6. You should see a green box with two arrows and a lighter box with a phone. Click the phone (it should turn green).
  7. To send out a Keene411, send an SMS text message of no more than 140 characters to 347-603-0411.

This information will always be available in the top menu and via this shortcut: You can also learn about how to sign up for Manch411 and follow the Kwik411 blog here.

Now you can subscribe to Free Keene via email!

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