One of the kids passed me a note on Monday:

Note from KMS Student
I guess the teachers were right. S.A.U. 29’s schools are doing an “expessially” good job educating these kids! Some parents question our right to say things to kids without parental approval.
I believe the problem is a system which operates through violence to fund an $18,000/per year/ per student education, that rivals the results of a private education costing $1,500-5,000 elsewhere. Despite spending such and outrageous amount, the results are, well, see for yourself.
Keene schools rank from the 2nd spot to near bottom in 208th place – What’s the point of standards again?
Some of the kids were surprised to learn how schools were funded, others didn’t care. The answer is simple, find a way to voluntarily fund your solution, and no longer being forced to pay for it, I won’t need to ask your kids if they think stealing is wrong. As an added benefit thanks to competition, we can both have schools that teach students in a manner consistent with our individual beliefs.
Kids, have a great summer
Think about what the activists said, and your conversations with them. Using a megaphone to tell you we need a war on megaphones may seem silly. It’s designed to show you a lot of parallels to the government’s war on drugs.
Those of you telling me to “Get a job!”, thanks but I’ll keep working to create jobs. Getting a job requires someone else having a job and offering it to me. Creating a job is completely up to me. It’s much easier to depend on somebody else, and I don’t blame the teachers for conditioning you to take up that role in life. I hope you explore possibilities going well beyond the narrow viewpoint accepted in government schools, where you’re told to finish school, go to college, “get a job”, pay taxes, obey their law, and be a good citizen.
I’d rather be on the owner’s side of the table, solving problems for others, hiring my friends to work for me. Entrepreneurs are directly in control of how much money they make, who they hire, when they work, and how much to pay the people working for you. Would you rather beg someone for a job, or learn to solve problems and create wealth that can be shared with your friends?
There’s a great book that teaches you how to shift into an entrepreneurial mindset not taught in schools called Rich Dad Poor Dad. It would be a great read for parents, teachers, and kids this summer.
Have a great summer. Check Out School Sucks Project!