Wake Up

Coming on the heels of my very publicly and ashamedly bowing to the threats of the IRS…  I read this. If you don’t like legal-eeze, don’t click it.

The US Supreme Court has refused to allow review of the dismissal of a civil case against the United States government by a man who was shipped to Syria and tortured back in 2002.  The man was innocent.  So innocent that the Canadian government has paid him $8.5 million dollars to make good on their part in his suffering.  Our rulers haven’t even issued him an apology.

The US Supreme Court has affirmed that the US government is unaccountable for doing horrible things around the world…  even when it is wrong.  The president of “change” has authorized the murdering of Americans who are involved in terrorism.  Uhhhhhh….  if they were wrong about this poor guy they tortured in Syria, don’t you think they can be wrong about the people they now want to kill?  Or worse, they could just kill people they don’t like.

This is precisely why the founding fathers limited the powers of the executive branch of government.  Limited they be no longer.

This isn’t a conspiracy theory.  This is people killing people, torturing people, stealing from us to do it, and getting away with it.  All out in the open.

I wonder how long before blogging about freedom is considered terrorism.

I’m as good as dead.

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