Patrick McKenney’s letter to the editor titled, “Protesters don’t belong near school” expressed concerns about us twisting the facts when we “edit it to fit their message”, so lets correct a few inaccuracies with his account shall we? I’m not aware of any protesters, nor did I see any signs saying only “school sucks”, and there was only one “bullhorns” as you recount.
We were engaged in outreach to share our ideas. The signs say “Education Rocks, School Sucks”, “School Sucks Podcast”, and “School Sucks Project .com”. There you will find recorded audio discussions about public education, hosted by a former middle school teacher.
Patrick, you claim the “original issue” is the people performing outreach. Does that include the religious outreach that put a bible in my hand when I was leaving middle school? Should they be banned from your secure perimeter zone as well? The original issue is theft.
Over 50% of Keene’s property taxes go to fund a $90.7 million dollar budget for approximately 4,950 students, which totals over $18,300 per student per year, An outrageous amount for mediocre results.
If you don’t pay property taxes, the people running the city of Keene wait 2 years while begging you to pay something and even set up “charities” primarily funded by the city to pay their taxes for you – after M.F.S. takes a healthy cut of course.
If you haven’t paid after 2 years they steal your house right out from under you (tax deed). Ignore this and they send armed men (sheriffs), who kick in your door and point guns at your head while demanding you leave (eviction). Refuse and they will restrain you (arrest) for transport to a caging facility (jail). If you defend yourself, they will murder you.
That’s the real issue – The public education system is funded by threatening those who don’t “go along to get along” with theft, caging, and murder.
I’ve been attacked by angry parents, seen horns held down to drown out my ideas, bus drivers have screamed over the bus’s PA system, one parent tried to block my sign, and one of the kids stole my sign and destroyed it.
Where do you think he learned that stealing from others is okay?
Sam Dodson
Keene, NH