Superior Court Bailiff Rejects Judge’s Ruling on Filming Public Officials

There’s been a back and forth going on in the Keene court system. The state pushes activists (with aggression)  and the activists push back (peacefully). The activists were doing rather well until the courts BANNED cameras from the buildings/courtrooms. Since then several acts of violence haven’t made YouTube but I thought that changed when the 1st District Court of Appeals ruled on Gilk v. Commonwealth of MA.

That ruling states that ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS can be filmed while in the course of their duties, in public space. So I decided to head down to Superior Court in Keene, NH to notify the bailiff’s there of the ruling. My goal was to get them to understand that taking people’s cameras at the gate is now illegal, no matter what the judge’s ruling on the wall says (the 1st district court of appeals overrides it).

This is how it went…

After the video ended I went back into the building gave the ruling to a sheriff and said, “the next time I come here you’ll have a choice to make and I will sue you if you arrest me. The choice is yours.” I’m not sure when I’ll be back in Keene but when I am, I’ll be stopping by the courthouse with several cameras.

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