Unfortunately no video exists of the incident due to oppressive camera restrictions at Cheshire “superior” court, but this afternoon before my trial on open records access could begin, two arrests were made in the courtroom. Jason Talley of Talley.TV (and FK blogger) and Kelly Voluntaryist James were both cuffed and removed. Talley was dragged by the handcuffs out of the room, yelling in pain. All of this because when the robed man entered, about eight activists refused to stand, as always happens in any court we visit. However the robed man in this case is perhaps the most power-mad one in all of NH, John P. Arnold, who despite retiring is still a “Senior judge”, which means he can be brought back anytime. The bailiffs threatened the activists upon their remaining seated and demanded they stand or leave. No one did either, so they began targeting people separately. Eventually, most got up, and Talley was in the process of leaving when they arrested him and then Kelly, who stayed seated in protest of Talley’s arrest.
Later, the two were brought in for a “right of alocution” and were released with holiday wishes from Arnold. No, seriously. He actually told them “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays”. He also lectured them about having more respect for the court. He claimed that he wasn’t personally offended at their staying seated, but that it’s disrespectful to the process. After he left, out-of-control court security agent Bob Tebo tried to lecture me about respect, and I informed him that one must earn respect and that one doesn’t earn respect in my book by threatening and caging peaceful people.
For a full description and discussion of today’s events, please listen to tonight’s Free Talk Live – we spend most of the last 2/3s of the show discussing it.