New Hampshire State Representative Kevin Avard (R) (Hills-20) formally invited me yesterday onto his brand new internet and community access television show “Speak Up New Hampshire,” a program that will be filmed weekly in Nashua, NH, Rep. Avard’s district.
Rep. Avard is a sitting member of the newly created “Redress of Grievances Committee” formed during this session of the New Hampshire General Court. Like quite a few other elected officials I have been communicating with recently regarding State v. Jason Talley, Representative Avard is a strong proponent of accountability in the New Hampshire Judicial Branch. The interview should be both podcasted and rebroadcasted on community access stations throughout New Hampshire.
In other news regarding the problems Keene Circuit Court-District Division Presiding Judge Edward Burke has created for the New Hampshire Judicial Branch, popular New Hampshire current events blog NH Insider has picked up the story.