Tiananmen Square Massacre

Have you ever seen a person run over by a tank? If you are old enough you would have seen this happen in Tiananmen Square in China 23 years ago. I was just a young girl when I sat horrified watching this unfold on the tv screen. I had never seen anything like it. I never imagined that a government could do such a thing. This incident was televised all over the world and painted the Chinese government for the thugs and murderers they were and still are. Fast forward 23 years and governments haven’t gotten any better, only worse. Now people have to worry about unmanned drones flying over their houses and killing them all. Boeing is developing the next generation of drones: Vulture solar drone that stays in air for 5 yearsPolice brutality is on the rise everywhere. The u.s. congress and the president have enacted more draconian laws such as NDAA. The u.s. is currently still engaged in two failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is fear mongering and war rhetoric in reference to Iran and now Syria.  I thought the Tianenman Square incident was the worst it could get. Goodness me, how was I so wrong?

On a happier note, today marks the 13th birthday of my wonderful nephew Llandry! Happy Birthday! Aunt Ellie loves you!

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