Registry of Deeds Needs to be Cleaned

The Sentinel ran two recent LTE’s regarding the Registry of Deeds. One letter told how the office was filthy and needed to be cleaned. The other letter was written by the current Register of Deeds, claiming the budget had been cut to the point that “there was nothing left to cut.”
I respectfully disagree with Ms Hubal’s statement that there is “nothing left to cut.” I believe the Registry of Deeds can be reorganized further with the County Treasury and City/Town Clerks keeping the records currently maintained by this office. A massive reorganization took place to eliminate the duties of Register of Probate, the same can be done to eliminate the Register of Deeds. If you agree with me, I ask for your vote on November 6.

In Peace, Freedom, Love & Liberty,
Darryl W. Perry
Libertarian candidate for Cheshire County Register of Deeds

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