The Keene Sentinel published a letter to the editor titled Vote “no” on Question 2. I thought it would be a good idea to post that letter to Free Keene, to give readers an opposing opinion to that of Brad Jardis.
As I began reading the letter, I immediately noticed a major error. One that was not noticed by the editors of the Sentinel.
The author of the letter makes arguments against Question 1 – the prohibition of a State income tax. I can understand that voters may get confused about which question is which issue. However, I expect a little more from the editors of the City’s only daily newspaper. I called the Sentinel and spoke to someone in the News Department who told me that he would “run it by the editors.” But wasn’t “sure if they would want to run a correction on that.”
I hope the Sentinel does run a correction on this LTE, anything less would be a great disservice to the community!