On October 14, the NH Liberty Party officially nominated a presidential ticket of Dale “NOTA” Everett & Emberlea “Liberty” McCulligh. The idea was to allow voters to vote for “None of the Above” (NOTA) or “Liberty” and have those votes counted. A decision was made to select candidates to be stand-in’s for “NOTA” & “Liberty.” The NHLP’s Presidential Ticket will not be on the ballot due to New Hampshire’s strict ballot access rules. However voters will be able to cast a write-in vote for “NOTA” or “Liberty” and under State & Federal law, that vote MUST be tabulated and filed with the National Archivist.
On October 15, the slate of electors was sent via Certified Mail to the Secretary of State and emailed to the Elections Division of the Secretary of State. According to the Postal Service tracking system the certified letter “was delivered at 11:41 am on October 16, 2012 in CONCORD, NH 03301.”
The Nashua Patch & NHInsider.com have both recently published LTE’s advocating for NOTA. You can read that letter here.
Bob Robertson replaced Dale Everett on the ticket on October 19.