Will “Free Staters” be Banned from the House Gallery?

Last month, Cynthia Chase posted on BlueHampshire, “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing.” She also stated that she wanted to restrict freedoms in hopes that FSP participants leave NH or never move to NH, in the first place.
Cynthia Chase’s post has been removed from the BlueHampshire website. However, I was able to get a screenshot of the post before it was removed.

It now appears she’s trying to prevent FSP members from attending NH House proceedings. Cynthia Chase co-sponsored HB-129 which states:

Pursuant to part 2, article 8 of the New Hampshire constitution, the galleries of each house shall be open at all times during legislative sessions except when the welfare of the state requires secrecy. In the case of a disruption, disturbance, emergency, or other condition which makes it unsafe to keep the gallery open, the house or senate shall go into recess until it is safe to continue. Such a recess shall be as short as possible. The availability of live streaming video, television broadcast, or other audiovisual presentation shall not be deemed a substitute for opening the galleries. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing law enforcement officers or the sergeant at arms from excluding dangerous or disruptive individuals, or from preventing entrance to the galleries when they are filled to capacity. (emphasis added)

Since we know that Rep. Chase considers FSP members a “threat to the state” will she use this legislation to prevent any FSP member from attending Legislative sessions?

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