Until recently, NHJury.com, a site dedicated to helping jurors understand they have the right to judge the law itself, had suffered from a lack of updates to the site’s blog.  I’ve now taken over managing the site and hope to bring more content here over time by adding more NH jury activists as bloggers.  There has recently been a resurgence of jury outreach in Manchester.  It would be great to have outreach happening regularly in all ten counties of NH.  (Grafton and Cheshire counties have had consistent jury outreach for several years.)  Want to help?  Join our group on facebook and step up!
Some immediate changes to the site include some graphical tweaks, updates, and the addition of a Contact Us page.  You can reach NHJury.com activists statewide via the contact form here or this email address: nhjury at googlegroups.com.
Plus, you can like NHJury.com here on Facebook!