Free Staters and the NH chapter of the AFP protested Governor Hassan’s bill signing ceremony.

On May 20th, 2014 NH Governor Maggie Hassan used the back drop of a highway construction site to sign into law an increase on the state tax on gas.  This was most likely done to show that they plan on using the extra stolen funds to finish a project that was already started with stolen funds. Further, NH State Troopers were used to shut down the highway when the Governor and the rest of the participants in the signing ceremony were traveling from the staging area to the construction site.  Free Staters in collaboration with the NH chapter of Americans for Prosperity joined in a protest of this increased theft by the state.  Even though many with in the liberty community disagree with some positions of the AFP(this blogger included), there is a benefit when working toward common goals.   Especially when that goal is to reject theft at the hands of the state.   I hope to see more collaborative work among Free Staters and any group or organization that shares the same goals of a specific issue.  Free Keene bloggers Joel Valenzuela and Rich Paul were also took part in this protest.

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