Keene Bullies Taunt, Grab at Camera

UPDATE: You never know who’s watching. Vigilant videographer Garret Ean captured the moment with his video camera. The video is so funny, I made it a GIF:

Justin Paquette Fail on Make A Gif

Today I used children’s sidewalk chalk to make art in the park. I drew pictures of a smiling anthropomorphic heart, a picture of the earth, and a picture of the park’s gazebo and fountain. You might call that kids’ stuff, a waste of time, immature, or stupid. I call it free expression, and I think it’s one of the most beautiful and indomitable parts of the human spirit.

I’ll tell you what’s immature: Bullying. Name-calling. Stealing.

Today, Tuesday, June 17th 2014, Pro-chalk and Anti-chalk people were interviewed by a national news crew about their ongoing “Chalk War” and “Robin Hooding”. They drew pictures for the cameras, but they were removed just minutes later by anti-chalk factions. They were replaced immediately after removal.


VIOLENT: James Michael Phillips

While I was walking away from the event, one girl standing outside a Mexican restaurant, said, “We know your’e filming us right now.” I responded, “Actually, I’m not. Should I be?” I got out my camera and began recording. The girl who commented to me disappeared, as did another boy, James Michael Phillips. He’s the man who hospitalized another person for using chalk. They both weren’t brave enough to make their comments on camera. One boy however, who has since been identified as Justin Paquette, taunted, “Nice PURSE! And PINK shorts.”

When I began recording him, however, he wasn’t so courageous. He came up to my camera and twice tried to grab it from me, but he was too slow. I look forward to one day living in a world where adults can walk down the street without being harassed for the clothing they wear or the purses they carry. I will model adult behavior for those who missed the lesson during their upbringing. It starts with keeping your hands to yourself.

Please teach this young man some manners.

Justin Paquette: This boy struggles with keeping his hands to himself.

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