FSP President Responds to Concord Monitor “My Turn” Hitpiece

Gericke_Carla2008[1]Free State Project president Carla Gericke responds to the recent fearmongering guest editorial by Matt Murray, a supporter of the aggressive monopoly state, in a guest editorial of her own at the Concord Monitor’s “My Turn”:

On July 19, the Monitor published a “My Turn” by Matt Murray of New Hampshire Labor News excoriating the Free State Project and quoting the essay by Jason Sorens that led to the formation of the FSP.


The FSP does not usually respond to attacks, but now is the time to make some facts clear. (more…)

AKPF #1: Demchomskynow

This week’s AKPF #1 installment focuses on recent events across the globe, as linguistics professor Noam Chomsky narrates an analysis of what has driven the  tragic massacres in Gaza. Illustrated with footage from the area and beyond, this special edition ranks among the most informative and insightful episodes.