State Issues Marriage License for Ceremony Performed by Shire Free Church Minister

JP, Rich, and Jessica

JP, Rich, and Jessica

Though the city tax assessment board doesn’t understand freedom of religion, it appears the state government agencies do. Last month, the Shire Free Church was denied a tax exemption by the city assessor, but this week the NH State Registrar of Vital Records issued certificate of marriage to JP & Jessica, with Shire Free Church and Church of the Invisible Hand minister Rich Paul listed as performing the marriage! If you missed the video of their wedding, performed at the Shire Free Church’s Keene parrish house, you can see that here.

Like with all new churches, there are many who are disrespectful to our freedom of religion. While our church may not be hundreds or thousands of years old, it’s still subject to the same constitutional protection as anyone’s. The issuance of this marriage certificage is more recognition of those rights by the people calling themselves the state. Thanks to the Registrar of Vital Records for officially recognizing our freedom of religion. They now join the NH State Police, who recognized my status as a Shire Free Church minister in a 2014 press release and Keene District Court judge Edward J Burke who recognized Shire Free Church: Monadnock’s nonprofit status by accepting our certification of a defendant’s community service hours, which Burke has also done for the Church of the Sword.

The Shire Free Church offers a sanctuary for those seeking an escape from state churches. We perform media and real-life outreach to spread god’s message of peace and love and awakening those to the evil state religion. As the state believers continue to force their beliefs on us, we will continue to use their system to accomplish our god-given mission. Please join us.

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