It was a brisk and sunny October evening in the Shire. I drove down to the Cheshire County Jail where Freedom Activist Michele Seven would be turning herself over to the House of Corrections and serve time rather than pay the State a fine for driving without a State-approved “Registration” for her vehicle.
Having driven all around the continent without registering her cars with any State Agency for years, it was New Hampshire’s finest who finally put a halt to the Freedom Activist’s years-long crime spree of driving her vehicles without carrying Government-required papers.
When I met up with Michele, she looked composed and focussed. She has a sentence of 2.5 days which she will serve in consecutive Friday-Saturday overnight caging until time is served. She faces 8 more tickets of this kind and could face the same time for all of them. That’s every Friday night in jail for half a year—as punishment for not paying fines and registration fees to the Government.
About 8 Freedom Activists came out to send Michele off with hugs and words of appreciation, and the atmosphere was defined by a lightheartedness tempered by occasional reminders of the heavy-handed State.
I, for one, feel uplifted by Michele’s fortitude when facing the State. She lived her life as a free human until the agents of the State intervened, and now she’s choosing the lesser of two evils by aiding in her own caging rather than paying to perpetuate the State’s bad behavior.
Michele’s story is another powerful reminder of the depth of the saying, “Good people disobey bad laws.”