I was in Keene District Court a few weeks ago recording a hearing for Beau Davis. When the judge left and the courtroom was clearing out, I packed up my bags, turned on my wearable camera for safety’s sake, and started for the door while putting on my hat.
While walking out, Ron Dusavitch, a bailiff, yelled to me from behind, “TAKE YOUR HAT OFF!”
“I’m leaving, sir.” I replied.
“TAKE YOUR HAT OFF!” he repeated.
“LEAVING, sir.” I replied again, still walking out the door, minding my own business to get out of the building and on with my day. Ron had other plans.
Ron LEPT into action and RAN across the courtroom (See top left corner of video at 0:21) and JUMPED into the hallway. He tackled me by pushing me up against the wall and held me there with his hands on my shoulder and bicep.
“Take your hat off,” Ron the Hero again commanded.
I asked him several times what he was doing (referring to the touching) but received no reply–only the same repeated demand.
I told Ron that I have no desire to stay in the building, and that I was in fact leaving. He kept his hands on me and repeated his demand.
When friend and activist, Rich Paul Freeman, saw this, he gave me an out by asking if he could have my hat. Then Rich took it off my head, placed it on his own, and walked out of the lobby without any comment from Ron the bailiff.
At this point, Ron realizes that he has been on camera during his ridiculous display of power-abuse. He asks me if I am recording him. While I always prefer to be honest, I was in a tight spot–after all, Ron is the man who arrested me (unlawfully) for filming him in the same place just months ago. Regretfully, I implied that I was not filming, but asked if he was filming me (of course he’s not, but the courthouse is).
I left feeling violated. A stranger had put his hands on me without my permission–the same stranger who has put me in handcuffs for something as simple as holding a video camera. I can’t help but feel like I am back in the schoolyard at recess facing the physical threats of older bullies.
Stop Ron Dusavitch. Call Keene District Court and let them know that you disapprove of Ron subjecting strangers to his sickening power-trips.
Keene District Court: (603) 352-2559 (8am-4pm Eastern)