Speeding Ticket Trial in Hillsborough – Video

Hillsborough District Court, 2013-09-05 – As I pass out “Don’t take the plea deal” fliers before my speeding ticket trial, bailiff Preston tries to tell me not to. I grab my camera and begin recording as I accompany him to the clerk who supposedly will cite the “rule” that people can’t hand things out in court. She passes the buck to the judge, and I go back to the courtroom to keep handing out fliers. The judge never says a word about it.

Hours of arraignments transpire before they get to my trial – not a single person in the courthouse has been accused of hurting another person. All of the charges were pot, alcohol, other drugs, or driving-related. I was able to hand out dozens of fliers, including one about jury nullification to a hippie-looking lady facing felony cannabis growing charges. I explained nullification to her and her husband and told them about the rastafarian Doug Darrell who was set free thanks to jury nullification. They were very interested. After a lunch break, my trial for speeding began:

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[…] Speeding Ticket Trial in Hillsborough – VideoFree KeeneHillsborough District Court, 2013-09-05 – As I pass out “Don't take the plea deal” fliers before my speeding ticket trial, bailiff Preston tries to tell me not to. I grab my camera and begin recording as I accompany him to the clerk who supposedly will … […]

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