Dave Ridley of RidleyReport.com continues on his recent series of videos from Keene:
First, friendly local assistant City Clerk, Bill Dow is confronted over video restrictions:
Here he confronts a court security agent about allowing city employees through a security checkpoint without checking them for weapons. (The checkpoint has since been dismantled, since the court has now moved.):
Here in part two of the checkpoint video series, Ridley confronts city bureaucrats about the checkpoint privileges:
Here’s part three of the checkpoint confrontations, where a city bureaucrat complains because Keene activists get away with too much:
Here’s part 4 of the checkpoint videos where the same critical city bureaucrat confronts Ridley over him speaking with women:
Local dad Ed Bryans describes one of many awful interactions with the school system, part 1 of 2:
Ed Bryans part 2 of 2:
Ridley interviews local CopBlocker JP: