Education Outreach at Manchester West High School

10806304_392029594305396_51057408654822989_nEarlier this morning myself, fellow Free Keene blogger and co-host of the Rebel Love Show Shire Dude, and Ann Leverette of Seditious Sirens decided to hand out School Sucks Project flyers out to students in front of Manchester West High School. If the school can use pro 10423305_392030064305349_4057940784120658817_nstate propaganda in their curriculum, so can those of us that believe the state should not have any role in education. The entire event was inspired by education outreach conducted in Keene years ago. At one point, a school official came out to “request” that we leave school property. We of course did not cooperate with his request. Myself and Shire Dude started to ask what would happen if we didn’t comply with his request at which point the school official refused to talk to us. Most likely due to the fact he was being recorded. After no longer having a 10933882_392032040971818_3464301483672716791_ndistraction from one of the employees of the school, we returned to the purpose of our activism. Even with the freezing temperatures, we handed out flyers for roughly thirty minutes to students as they were entering the school.

Later that morning while out for coffee with Beau Davis, we ran into a religious ceremony that was being conducted by10891756_392031577638531_2969932289643918598_n the Manchester Police Department and Fire Department. The ceremony consisted of blocking off streets and raising an enormous flag in the middle of Elm st. in downtown Manchester. The ceremony was conducted in front of City Hall. When inquiring as to the reason for the blocking of traffic, use of multiple fire trucks, police cars, raising of a religious symbol and government employees being paid we were told it was for the death of an alderman.


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