Lengthy Trailer for New Documentary, “Free State”, Now Online

Those of us in the New Hampshire freedom migration have pointed out the many ways that we have more impact here than libertarians anywhere else. We’re constantly making news in mainstream media and the statists are ever on the attack against us. That’s because concentrating activism in one small geographic area works and more libertarian activists are starting to realize that the Free State Project is a success and more are joining – and moving to NH – in record-breaking numbers.

Another indicator of our unprecedented success is the number of documentary films that have focused on the libertarian activism movement here. We had Libertopia in 2010, which focused on multiple FSP migrants and their moving stories. In 2012, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree” focused on the amazing civil disobedience activism happening here. Then in 2014, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire” laid out 101 persuasive reasons that libertarians should join the Free State Project.

Now, in 2022 it appears another FSP-focused documentary is on the horizon: “Free State“. They’ve released a lengthy trailer for the as-yet-unfinished film and are actively fundraising to complete the project. Here’s the full “sizzle” trailer:

FREE STATE – SIZZLE from Axiom Media on Vimeo.

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