Drug addiction can strike anyone. Should these people be thrown in a cage?
“Despite being employed as an engineer, Eddie was forced to pawn things to help pay for his habit. He even pawned his grandmother’s diamond wedding ring for $250, a ring he was going to give to his daughter when she grew up.”
This is exactly what I argued yesterday in my post about the latest victims of drug prohibition here in New Hampshire. It is just plain true.
Some drug addicts even prostitute their children to pay for their habits: “Occasionally women are involved in supplying their own children to pedophiles, pornographers, or others in the sex industry. The mother’s own addiction is the usual cause.“
Those children would never be pimped out and victimized if there was not an insane “War on Drugs.” Their mothers, being far less likely to start drugs in the first place, would have a place to go to get treatment and help. I’m sorry to say it, but if you support continuing the “War on Drugs,” you are supporting the continued victimization of children and everyone else by these addicts.
Today’s excellent Foster’s Daily Democrat article is located here.