Andrew Carroll’s LTE: “Why I Moved Here”

Andrew CarrollHeroic civil disobedience activist Andrew Carroll recently had his letter to the editor published in the Keene Sentinel. As usual, the comments area has erupted into controversy with anonymous haters trying to claim liberty activists are racists and that we want to force people out of NH. Feel free to weigh in over at the Keene Sentinel. By the way, Andrew is running for State Rep this year as an anarchist democrat. Here’s his facebook page for the campaign and his letter to the editor:

While I was serving at the restaurant where I work the other day, one of my tables consisted of a wonderful couple who shared my passion for politics.

They self-described as Democrats, but at one point during our conversation complained about the excessiveness of property taxes in this state and nodded their heads in agreement to my call for a smaller, more local government.

They even laughed when I told them the story of my friend who was open carrying in Manchester and a cop asked him, “Why would you carry a gun in the most dangerous ward in all New Hampshire?”

Side note: If Democrats who support smaller government, gun rights and are anti-taxation seem natural to you, then you’ve never met most California Democrats — gun rights is a scary, scary phrase there.

This started after an introductory conversation led to me revealing my birthplace, after which I had to explain why I moved all the way from warm, sunny California to freezing cold New Hampshire.

My typical reply is simply, “Politics.”

I feel that response leaves enough room for questioning if the person is interested enough to know more, but does not give too much away, too soon, that I might offend them (after all, I am waiting on their table during all of this and would like to keep my job).

Many times now I have had conversations start out just like that, and each time they have slowly led into more and more detail about various political positions that I hold, why I hold them, and, seriously, really though, why on earth would I move away from warm, sunny California to freezing cold New Hampshire?

I answer all their questions honestly and have been consistently pleased to find nothing but genuine curiosity and overwhelming sympathy for my pro-freedom, anti-government feelings.

The couple the other day was no different. In fact, almost all of my personal experiences with people in this wonderful state have led me to believe one thing firmly. And that is what, every day, helps me reach an increasingly clearer answer to that most persistent of questions: “Why freezing cold New Hampshire?”

Because nothing makes me happier than living in a state where I get to meet individuals who, according to people from many parts of this country, are utter contradictions, but who I see as blessed beacons of hope that liberty can and will be achieved in our lifetime.

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