Update on Evan’s Caging

Evan, the Emperor of Free Grafton, has been in custody since last Monday when he dared to wear a paper hat in front of a man, who just so happened to be wearing a dress (makes sense right?). After that encounter armed men in costumes (aka – police) put personal information and/or finger prints into a computer, where another ‘sister’ organization (Keene District Court) to theirs claimed Evan owed $384 to them. (NOTE: No proof of contract, evidence of damage to property or a victim has never been presented to the Emperor.)

The most upsetting part of this is that Evan is being held in segregation. Which is a single cell, about 6′ x 8′, that you spend 23 hours a day in. When asked why Evan was being held in segregation Rick Van Wickler, superintendent of the Cheshire Co Jail, reportedly stated that ‘his’ policy is to hold those who refuse to pay the fine in segregation – see this FB thread.

Nevertheless, the Emperor is supposed to be released this Wednesday at 7:06 am after spending 8 days on lockdown – something that cost taxpayers approximately $1,000 – bravo guberment. To celebrate his release I’ll be taking the Emperor out to breakfast and hope you join us- details here.

If you have time to get up to the jail before Wednesday please do so, I know it’s one day before his release but it’d be great to make it fly by for Evan with a bunch of visits, plus it will get him out of his cell for more than just one hour.

Evan also wanted me to thank everyone for the support, he’s gotten several post cards from Mail To Jail. Thanks 🙂

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