Evan Pierce, 2nd Wave Civil Disobedience Superactivist

EvanIf the first wave of liberty-lovers doing civil disobedience were people like Russell and Kat Kanning and Lauren Canario, with six heroic arrests under his belt, Evan Pierce may be the most prolific disobedient/noncooperative of the “second wave”. (New waves are necessary as each person can only take so many charges before life gets far more difficult, due to multiple convictions.) Evan’s actions are always very inspiring, as you will surely see. Evan moved to New Hampshire a few years ago from Austin, Texas and immediately jumped into the world of civil disobedience and noncooperation. This video covers his recent arrest at Grafton superior court for wearing a paper hat as well a prior arrest in Keene for smoking cannabis during Pumpkin Fest. Evan is one of the bravest activists in New Hampshire. If you love freedom, whether you are interested in civil disobedience, street theatre, media or politics, you should follow his advice in this video and move to New Hampshire! (courtesy Liberty on Tour):

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