What Happens If You Don’t Speak at Court?

Who says court has to be boring? In Keene, 5 activists turned out to support me for a simple parking ticket arraignment. We laughed and joked as one wore a winter hat despite the court rules of decorum prohibiting headwear. We watched as the obedient slaves took their whippings and pled guilty to a bunch of vicimless crimes. Then it was my turn.

I decided ahead of time that I was going to try an experiment: I would remain silent. Would the judge get mad? Would he compel me to speak by threatening arrest? It turns out, he ended up acting as my defense attorney! Watch this 2-minute clip:

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Don’t Stay in School


My little sisters are in 7th grade. They’re good students. They work hard, they lead group projects, and they spend hours each night on homework. Tonight, I sent them an email encouraging to drop out.

Should NH Remove Requirement for Concealed Carry License?

The people came out to the State House to overwhelmingly say “YES!”

A bill proposed by Senators Bradley and Boutin and cosponsored by JR Hoell would remove the requirement for a Concealed Carry License. This means that anyone legally allowed to open carry in NH could also carry discreetly. This is a big deal for me, since currently I am fighting an uphill battle against my local police chief for denying my license despite NH supposedly being a “Shall-issue” state. The reality is that if the police don’t like you, they can deny you by claiming you’re “not suitable.” What does “suitable” mean? It’s not defined anywhere in the law!

Clearly a change needs to be made, and the people know it. About a hundred people came out to the State House to speak in support of the bill that would make New Hampshire more like Vermont by loosening restrictions on free people to protect themselves. Only 4 people spoke against the bill. 2 of them were law enforcers who were, by the way, wearing guns openly (I don’t think anyone else can do that). Are there 2 classes of men?

Rafael Hernandez Sentenced for Attacking Derrick J

Rafael Hernandez is one of two guys who attacked me on July 31, 2014 outside the Cheshire County Courthouse. I was recording from the sidewalk when the group of thuggish friends surrounded me, and threw my camera and cell phone on the ground. He pled guilty to the misdemeanor charge of Criminal Mischief and sentenced this Thursday, January 29, 2015.

The court’s orders were: 1) He must pay me restitution for my broken camera battery ($28.94), 2) he must not have contact with me for one year, and 3) he will have a sentence of 60 days in jail suspended for one year on the condition of good behavior.