Pulled Over for No Reason

I was pulled over while driving 50 mph in a 55 mph zone. The officer alleges I was going 72. That is impossible because I was stuck behind a slow-moving pickup truck for about 20 miles, and that truck was keeping me slowed at a pace of 50 mph.

To learn more about why I take the time and energy to fight arbitrarily-written tickets, click below:


State v. Live Free Or Dance

This is the full video of my “Live Free Or Dance” trial. For those unfamiliar, This summer I was caged for having a dance party in Keene Central Common. Now I face 2.5 years behind bars unless I can convince a Jury to let me be free. As always, I am looking for constructive criticism from law-loving types. To see copies of all the papers on my defendant’s table, visit LiveFreeOrDance.com/Court.

The video is 3.5 hours, so if you’d like to skip around, it may be helpful to use this previous post as a guide to what happens when.

If you are the victim of state aggression and charged with a victimless crime, I urge you to NOT take the plea deal. Learn why I refuse and why you should too by clicking below:

Banned for No Reason

Listeners of FreeTalkLive are familiar with the court orders some of the Keene liberty activists have received banning them from being on Superior Court property without explicit permission from Sheriff Foote himself. Apparently, singing qualifies as “harassing.” Decide for yourself who these public servants are serving. Activists have already agreed that they will not be asking permission to enter the courthouse to conduct their business with public officials. Should they be arrested, they will NOT be taking a plea deal. To find out why, click below: