DPRK Parking Proposals Rebuked by Civilians at Committee Meeting

Last evening, the finance subcommittee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene 2014_03_14_parkingariclecentral committee heard numerous proposals related to city functions, before finishing the meeting with a symposium on proposed changes to the notoriously contested parking system. Following discussions on a new Cheshire TV channel and lacking airport business operations, the parking policies attracted the most attention from the civilian audience, with numerous individuals speaking in favor of modesty in fee hikes. Other specific points addressed were the egregious mandatory minimums proposed, in which meters would not register any time until at least twenty-five cents worth of time is purchased. Another idea tossed about was extending the hours of enforcement forward by two into the evening on weekdays, while removing one hour of enforcement from the morning. The Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis reported on the exchange of parking ideas in a front-page feature in today’s print edition. Video was recorded by numerous independent videographers and activists from the area, and is available from the Fr33manTVraw youtube channel.

A chalking that appeared near the Wells Street parking garage in downtown Keene:


ESSAM Explains the NYC Drone Art Campaign

tumblr_essam_500The 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum was host to a special presentation which has not, until now, been publicly broadcast. New York City street artist Essam was facing 56 counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument, grand larceny possession of stolen property, and weapons possession. Last November, all felony charges previously filed by the state’s attorney were dropped, and some were reduced to misdemeanors. Word broke March 6 that all remaining charges against the dissident artist were dropped regarding State v Essam Attia.

july24-essamnypdIn this presentation, the audience hears directly from the source how a guerrilla art project was planned and executed throughout New York, the motivations behind the pieces, and the potential penalties for the subversive signage. Release of video from the talk has been delayed pending resolution of the criminal case, as there is incriminating information provided which defense attorneys understandably would oppose providing directly to the prosecution. One motivation for the state’s decision to cease prosecution of the case may have been to avoid the constitutional questions raised as to when street art intersects with protected speech. An article from AnimalNewYork.com chronicles the most recent update and has been following the story from its breaking.

AKPF #1: Robin Hood’s Direct Action Panel

akpf_patrioticThis week’s AKPF #1 is the first of three parts of Robin Hood’s Direct Action Panel from the 2014 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. This never before seen edit of the panel includes b-roll embedded to better illustrate the scenes as painted by the panel. This footage aired on Cheshire TV at 7:00pm on March 10, as per the usual AKPF #1 timeslot.

AKPF #1: Printing Revolution

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 takes place in three acts. The most modern information is presented initially, and all others are portrayed in descending order. You won’t want to miss out on the historical knowledge presented in the latest episode!


Nashua Vigil for Slain Ducks Receives Statewide Coverage

nashua_ducksderrickgarretA candlelight vigil held two months following the deaths of five ducks at Nashua’s Crown Plaza Hotel was attended by approximately 15 mourners and celebrants of the lives of the deceased waterfowl. Broadcast media was standing by with local newspaper correspondents snapping photos and jotting notes, as others videotaped the ceremony from multiple angles. The following day, original stories appeared in the Nashua Telegraph and Manchester’s Union Leader, with a reprint of the Telegraph story appearing in the Keene Sentinel. Each article highlighted the eulogies delivered during the public ceremony, and described the scene as participants sang Amazing Grace and marched to place candles near the scene of the bloodshed. In the syndicated coverage from the Concord-NH-Patch, videos from four different angles are linked from Fr33manTVraw.
