AKPF #1: Magic Mountains

In this creative installment of AKPF #1, Magic Mountains, viewers are treated to lush scenery and engaging verbal information from the annual Vermont Freedom and Unity Festival, held this year on Saturday August 16, 2014. Included in this special episode is a sneak peak at the upcoming Cheshire TV program, Amish’s Outdoor Aventures, hosted by Amish Paul and featuring nature journeys in all variety of colorful places, weather conditions, and mental states.


This week’s AKPF #1 timeslot has the unique opportunity of being filled with a special edition aftershow of Black Sheep Rising, in which the deeper meanings of the hollywood samuell_ji_jazzyproduction “Jumper” are crucially analyzed. In this installment, which runs slightly longer than the standard 29 minute blocks, the audience is treated to illustrated excerpts from the controversial late night television program, censored for presentation to the daytime audience of Cheshire TV.

To what institutions in society does the jumping scenario present an analogous interpretation? Is Samuel L. Jackson’s role that of an enforcer, an elder, a spiritual leader, or a tyrant? Should jumping ever be prohibited by law? Was Vincent Vega truly responsible for the incident which traumatically affected the character Marvin in Pulp Fiction? Unanswered questions about how jumping effects the lives of so many are approached with answers in this unforgettable review of Anakin and Mace Windu’s much anticipated rematch.

AKPF #1: Demchomskynow

This week’s AKPF #1 installment focuses on recent events across the globe, as linguistics professor Noam Chomsky narrates an analysis of what has driven theĀ  tragic massacres in Gaza. Illustrated with footage from the area and beyond, this special edition ranks among the most informative and insightful episodes.

PC Hearing Advances Fountain Assault Case

A probable cause hearing was held yesterday in Keene district court in the case of State v James M. Phillips. Phillips stands accused of causing the hospitalization of Matthew “Yankee” Oldershaw after allegedly shoving or tackling him into the jagged granite which comprises the fountain in Central Square. During the hearing, sole witness Benjamin Nugent presented verbal accounts of his interactions with witnesses and analysis of video from the scene, including the only footage which partially captures the assault, as filmed by the currently incarcerated Free Keene blogger Rich Paul. Information presented which would normally be discounted as hearsay was admissible as Nugent recalled the statements of others collected over the course of his investigation into the incident. A public defender cross examined Nugent after direct examination from KPD prosecutor Jean Kilham.

A copy of the paperwork from the case reveals the bail conditions attached to the single charge of 2nd 2014_08_06_courtnugentdegree assault from the June 03 incident. An arrest warrant issued on July 11 was followed with instructions to not be present in Central Square, to have no contact with Matthew Oldershaw, and to refrain from the use of alcohol. A PR bail of $1000 was set on the day of the arrest.

Following yesterday’s hearing, judge Edward Burke found the state’s evidence sufficient to constitute probable cause for advancing the felony case to the superior court, where it will likely be heard before judge John Kissinger. Video from the hearing is available at Fr33manTVraw. Additional written coverage from the court by Martha Shanahan was published today in the Keene Sentinel.

AKPF #1: Politritians

In New Hampshire, one need not look far to find imperial politicians going about their campaigning in the streets. This does not make it any easier to attain straight answers from the candidates, as we see presented in this week’s episode in varying degrees. Jeanne Shaheen, Scott Brown, and Jim Rubens, all candidates for federal senate committee face the hot lens of another episode of AKPF #1.

0:00 – Cheshire TV opening warning disclaimer
0:10 – Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire promotional video segment
1:40 – Behind the scenes with Strong
3:27 – Scott Brown consumes local fare of Lindy’s Diner
7:59 – Obamacoin for donation to the anti-Obama campaign
9:05 – Jim Rubens asked question11:59 – Vermin Supreme’s strong plan
12:05 – Scott Olsen discusses OPD re-hiring murderous police who shot him in the head and threw a grenade at first responders surrounding his limp body
15:02 – Arrested on Election Eve
17:02 – DMV allows recording as a matter of policy, but nobody knows
22:31 – More from Slavoj Zizek on ideology and atheism
28:50 – Cheshire TV end warning disclaimer