AKPF #1: Trialitis

This week’s intriguing installment takes us yet again in a Keene courtroom, this time the Superior branch as Rich Paul stands trial on alleged violations of probation. Accused of possessing a weapon and having a biological system saturated with tetrahydrocannabinol, state actors tried long and hard to succeed on both counts. With an AKPF #1 producer as a witness and a seasoned public defender as his attorney, Rich was ultimately successful in defeating all weapons charges levelled against him. There was no denying the THC saturation, and the judge ultimately sentenced Rich to six months at the Cheshire Spiritual Retreat on those grounds, though remarkably with the liberating condition of probation termination after service of that sentence. Concluding the episode is a sign wave outside of the jail featuring Oscar the dog.

Old ‘Boy’ Threatens, Chases Chalking Activist

“You takin’ my photo…boy?” asserted an upset man who arrived on Central Square yesterday afternoon and proceeded to utter profanities at several individual chalkers while in the presence of small children. angryman_keenenh_2014_07_25Arriving once to futilely smudge chalkings with his feet, the man left to return several minutes later to try further smudging before threatening and chasing a videographer. During his activity, he even blurted out egotistically, “My sidewalk!” What would inspire someone to behave so entitled and unneighborly?

What is surprising about this encounter is that visually, this man does not appear to represent the dregs of society. He was dressed reasonably well, despite his ugly behavior and (more…)

AKPF #1: Courtinuance

With the exciting double parking ticket trial of AKPF #1 co-producer Garret Ean last week, the audience is treated in this episodeakpf_trial_2014_07_18 to the complete and illustrated footage of the court hearing featuring infamous faces of the Keene criminal justice system. Judge Edward Burke hears the case brought forward by KPD prosecutor Jean Kilham, with AKPF agent Jane called upon as the sole witness. In this inquiry, we see how eager to object to anything and everything that the state’s representative is, and Burke also plays a significant role in tipping the hand of the defense on lines of questioning. Ultimately, most arguments are not permitted to be made, and the disproportionate fine of five dollars per offense is levied, though compensated partially in Obamacoin.

AKPF #1: Checkmark Charliepoint

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 is entitledĀ Checkmark Charliepoint and features footage from on the ground in Manchester, New Hampshire on the evening of a controversial police traffic control checkpoint. ALso featured are the latest updates from theĀ Shire Dude series and news from Derrick J, Rich Paul, and Dave Ridley.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 Obamacoin southbound on I-93 in Hooksett take em to the bank
1:22 DFW DUI checkpoint in Manchester inquisition
4:49 All the people holding signs
5:50 Decending into the checkpoint charlie
6:55 Captain Hopkins at your protect and service
11:48 Heading back on foot
16:20 Shire Dude episode post-doge 03
21:16 Derrick J interviews Rich Paul after his release from jail after 36 days for alleged violation of probation
24:31 Ridley analyzes the camera seizing activities of police in Cheshire County, Keene, New Hampshire’s North Korea DPRK
28:50 End credits disclaimers

AKPF #1: Three Dolla Grill

This new installment of AKPF #1 includes more footage from the joyous celebration annual 2014_07_01_dollarflag2014 Porcupine Freedom Festival. In addition to these ominous scenes, the audience is treated to analysis of cinematic productions framed through the lens of parking enforcement. To conclude the session, we learn about all sorts of anti-authoritarian artwork imported form another state.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 AKPF #1 title card
0:12 Ideological analysis of They Live by Slavoj Zizek as featured in documentary
1:11 Obamacoin transaction footage
4:58 Battleground Keene
5:47 Distorted reality
6:11 Three Dolla Grill PF-XI
13:42 Chicken and Bacon
14:23 Read all directions and instructions before use, warning danger
15:12 Ideological analysis of lie in The Dark Knight by Slavoj Zizek as sourced from The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
15:51 An ignoble lie
16:10 5ive (5) five gum trailer footage
18:21 The Art of people against authority; religious and political
28:43 The beach of Surry end credits
28:50 End disclaimer of the Cheshire Television