State V. Kate (Jury Trial) – a Chalking 8 appeal

Post originally published to

UPDATE: Mon. May 14th 5:20PM

Kate was found guilty of “resisting” by a Manchester Superior Court jury today. Her previous “sentence” from district court was 90-days suspended for two-years. Her new “sentence” is 30-days suspended for 30-days.

It’s good that the threat hanging over her head is now lessened and that outreach was done and ideas shared but bad that Kate had to even allocate any of her time to such a situation.


On June 4th, 2011 eight ‘shire-based activists were arrested while at a pro-police accountable rally outside the Manchester, NH PD (603-668-8711). The incident became known as the Chalking 8. One of the eight arrested was Kate Ager.

Kate had been heading to Manchester to visit a friend. On the way, she learned that her friend had been arrested outside the Manchester Police Department so that’s where she headed. She parked and as she approached, saw a number friends holding signs as well as a number of Manchester PD employees nearby.

Eighty-seconds after stepping onto the sidewalk she was asked by Manchester police employee John Patti to “get off the chalk.” Ten seconds after that, when attempting to ask a question about the order, she was given her “last chance.” Ten seconds after that Patti told Kate that she was “under arrest” as he and colleagues swarmed Kate, handcuffed her, and put her in a cell.


Yardsale Take-Aways

Neighbors helping neighbors makes for strong communities 🙂

That was the text included on the bottom of the quarter-page flyer distributed to houses in the neighborhood ten days ago inviting people to attend and contribute items to a yardsale held yesterday. And it’s what motivated me to be involved in the event.

Why not get items no longer utilized into the hands of those who’d put them to better use? Seems like a win-win.


Genocide Studies – Establishing Communication

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
-Henry David Thoreau

On Tuesday, April 24th I stopped by Keene State University to speak with Henry King, director of the Holocaust and Genocide Studies department. My visit was unannounced – motivated by my interest to share ideas that I thought overlooked by the program curriculum.

Despite the impromptu nature of my drop-in, King invited me to sit and for about ten minutes, we had a conversation. His colleague, department chair C. Paul Vincent, joined us about halfway through. It was a civil discussion but it was clear that we weren’t on the same page about some things – for example while I proffered that individuals have the same rights no matter where they’re born (and pointed-out that with that freedom comes personal responsibility – for more on this, check out the excellent 2-min video Chain of Obedience) King made mention of a “social covenant” that imparted rights as well as obligations.

Such an idea denotes that the individual is subservient to the majority. That doesn’t sync with me. After all groups don’t have rights, individuals have rights. A group of individuals doesn’t generate extra rights nor mitigate the rights of one individual.

Before we parted ways (King and Vincent were heading to lunch) I shared my contact information, we shook hands and said I’d be in touch via email.


MARV is Being Raffled!


Congrats to David Blizzard who is now MARV’s new owner!

Overall 396 raffle tickets were sold – about 3/4 of sales coming from PorcFest attendees. David had snagged his three tickets – including the one randomly selected by Ademo Freeman the last night of PorcFest – online.

I just spoke with David on the phone – he plans to keep MARV looking as-is (a rolling billboard for liberty) and use it for vacationing, etc.

David calls northern GA home so if you’re in the area keep your eyes peeled!


Choice is good! You have lots of ways to acquire MARV raffle tickets!


click one of the payment methods above or
scroll down for raffle details & to learn more about MARV
