Failure to comply with federal and state laws by Keene city employees!

keene-city-employees-emailed-robin-hood-freekeene-copblockThe text below was sent to me at It previously been sent to a number of individuals – all with email extensions of “” and to area media.

The author begins the message:

This is to let you know effective IMMEDIATELY our group of citizens intends to force the City of Keene and its employees to comply with federal and state laws that up until this point have been willfully ignored by high ranking officials of the City of Keene.

It’s shared here as it’s relevant to many here in Keene. I defaulted to redacting the name of the person who sent it to me, out of respect for their privacy.


Fred Parsells, Keene’s Petty Tyrant

This post was originally published to on Dec. 19th, 2012.

Many folks who reside in Keene are aware of the petty harassment doled out by Fred Parsells.

A former Keene police employee, Parsells now claims a “legitimate” right to be a nosy bother to his neighbors due to his occupation as a code enforcer.

Fortunately a lot of thinking individuals have concluded that when the initiation of force or its threat is utilized, whether “officially” sanctioned or not, the person initiating is in the wrong.

There’s much I love about Keene. Yet I could do without the countless iterations of force threatened or initiated by Fred Parsells.
