Hat Charges Dropped by Keene DA

While conducting “Don’t Take the Plea Deal” outreach (which is where activists hand people attending court a flyer) this morning Pete was approached by the district attorney (DA) for Keene. I witnessed this encounter but my camera was still in my jacket so I have no video. The conversation was simple, the DA approached Pete and said, “I’m going to be dropping all your charges.” Pete said he appreciated that and the DA went upstairs to court.


A Thank You & Why I was Released from Jail

I’m hoping to write an more exhaustive ‘about’ me post but I’m rather busy, like everyone else, so it will have to wait. For now, here is a post I published at CopBlock.org. It’s fitting considering Free Keene activists did most of the leg work which resulted in me being freed from jail. Thanks again.

Three weeks ago yesterday Pete Eyre was assaulted, hand cuffed and dragged from a public building then put in a cage because he wore a hat inside ‘the’ courtroom. The following day, at Pete’s arraignment, I spoke out against Edward Burke’s (the judge) decision to keep him locked up. The judge ordered Pete to remain in jail because he refused to ID himself and shortly after sentenced me to 60 days in jail for my outburst.

So how did I get released early? Well, with so many great activists doing so many different things to free me, it’s impossible to say exactly what it was and a mix of everything is likely the answer. People were calling the jail, writing letters to Burke, protesting, making videos, filing motions, contacting media and much much more. A big thanks is in order for JJ, Andrew “280”, Aubern, Tayna, Carolyn, George, Smeg, Ian, my family  and of course my boy – Pete. These guys are one kick ass team (not to undermine those who helped them – everyone did a great job and I’m so grateful to have support from so many) and I really value the support we show one another.