Who represents the minority?

Feb 13th, 2015. Keene Sentinel letter to the editor:

Democracy: Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner!

That’s exactly what went down at last Saturday’s deliberative session, where a small group of fiscally responsible residents went head-to-head with the tax hungry education industry.

As was expected, they were completely outnumbered, ridiculed and ultimately silenced. School board member Susan Hay summed up the proceedings perfectly, “We don’t need a very small minority of people in this community — that do not in any way represent the will of the people — telling us how to do our job.”

This brings up a very important question. Who, then, represents me? If I have no voice because the powers that be disagree or outright refuse to hear me, why then should I be forced to pay into such an institution. What happened to deriving their powers from the consent of the governed? Well, I officially renounce the consent I never swore to in the first place.

And what is this “will of the people?” (more…)

Two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch


The bullies over at the Keene School District along with their supporters in the community showed their true colors once again at this year’s town hall style deliberative session.

“We don’t need a very small minority of people in this community — that do not in any way represent the will of the people — telling us how to do our job.” That was School board member, Susan Hay.

It seems in her world, it’s perfectly acceptable to steal money from her neighbor to pay for her sacred cow as long as it’s the majority making the decision and as long as she’s on the winning team.  I can only imagine the ruckus she would have made if we had had another 60 or so supporters in the room–one day we will.

There were 13 ballot initiatives up for discussion.  Nine were created by the Board itself;  aimed at raising the already bloated and unsustainable budget. That’s how they “do their job,” which Ms. Hay takes extreme pride in.  Four submitted by petition were focused on reducing the budget.

The purpose of the deliberative session is to discuss, debate and clarify the articles before being placed on the upcoming ballot in March.  Instead of leaving my four warrants in their original wording for the voters to decide on, former school board member and local busybody, Ted Parent, made it his goal to neutralize all four and extensively added an additional 2 hours to the already-lengthy proceedings.

After the meeting, I was approached by a good dozen participants who were all sympathetic and urged me to continue the fight, knowing that the entire proceedings had been unfairly stacked against us. I wish they had all stepped up and told the entire room instead of just me in private.  This at least is encouraging.  The seeds have been planted.

The most ironic part of this entire process is the anti-bullying stance these school authorities spout off on a regular basis.  Don’t they realize their entire system is fundamentally built and supported by the practice of bullying others?  You give us your lunch money or we’ll take your house.  If you don’t like it run for office yourself ( join the ranks of bullies).  Or Move to another playground (and take your chances with another gang).

Stay tuned for video of the proceedings.

Here is the Keene Sentinels take:


Black Sheep Rising – Ep82 – Bawlz


Why am I paying for this crap! • 4 New warrant articles. School officials concerned • Problems with the education system? You should totally run for school board. /Vomit • @IanGoogling • BallGate, autotune, and you’ll love my nuts • Patriarchy wins!!  At least on Survivor • The Penguin circa 96 • Jay, Darryl, and Shaunna join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Black Sheep Rising – Ep81 – Danger Zone

Robin Hood gets thrifty, for the people • Sign ordinance 101. Like getting punched in the d**k • Derrick J “unsuitable” to conceal carry • James goes on trial for recording the police • Messages from the folks • Rapsher, Shaunna, and James join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Black Sheep Rising – Ep80 – Catastrophe

Feeding the haters with good ole satire • Nothin but  A-holes • Deconstructing Colbert’s hack job • Rooster Strong • Darryl’s cringe worthy Asperettes syndrome • Darryl, Shaunna, and Rapsher join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org