1. Thomas Ball bill shelved for now.
2. GA plans to move border. Claims water rights.
3. Philly cop who punched woman found not guilty.
4. Ice cream bank hero sticks it to the man.
5. DJVCS airs on CheshireTV.
1. No meat for you!!
2. SB2 voting = uninformed voters.
3. Bradley Manning leaked pre-trial. Why he did it.
4. The state’s secret wiretapping won’t stand up in court. Because it’s secret. Duh!
5. What drone war?
1. Rand Paul filibuster.
2. New Federal gun buyback program in the works.
3. NH gas tax. It’s for the roads!
4. Local voting day in NH.
5. 80% of NYC high school graduates unprepared for college.
6. College education: Not such a great investment these days.