by Dale Everett | Aug 19, 2009 |

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If you didn’t support George Bush’s polices, you were un-American and didn’t support the troops. If you don’t support Barack Obama’s policies, you’re against health care reform and don’t want people to have health care. There are so many creative tactics for ignoring what people are actually saying. Free Speech Zones are among them.
by Dale Everett | Aug 12, 2009 |
What is a soul? If I had to describe my interpretation, the soul is the most defining and enduring aspect of a life. Many people claim not to believe in it, but I would posit that we all have some notion of what I just described. Some may feel the religious overtones alienate the word “soul” for them, but it’s just a word. We all believe in it, but where we differ are our views about whether a soul is eternal or not as well as whether it’s something separate from the body, possibly existing on some other plane of existence, or whether it’s incorporated with the body and decays along with it after death, or perhaps even something in between. I don’t have much in the way of answers, but I do have a lot of questions that I think are worth pondering.

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by Dale Everett | Aug 8, 2009 |
I co-host Free Talk Live every Thursday night from 7pm to 10pm, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. Last Thursday, an anarchist called in to talk about how he attended a meeting about a local smoking ban to speak out against it. There was some discussion about whether such an act is part of working within their system and I’m known for not being a big fan of that game, to put it lightly. Mark is equating this act with voting based on the notion that you’re just voting by proxy, i.e. trying to persuade council members to vote a certain way. I’ve given some more thought to this and wanted to expound.
I wouldn’t go in there telling them to vote a certain way. I would simply use the platform of the meeting to talk about why they have no right to control the behavior or property of others. I wouldn’t give any moral support to the idea of the vote. I realize they are going to vote on it, but that’s their game. What it comes down to is I’m not going to go through the motions and essentially act out what is to me a big lie. It’s the same reason I don’t rise for a judge. They are hoping I’ll go through the motions and act publicly in accordance with their lies, reinforcing them, and in complete contradiction to my deeply held beliefs. It’s disgusting and offensive to me. On the other hand, simply taking the opportunity of the meeting and telling them they have no right to control others is as honest as I could be.
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by Dale Everett | Aug 3, 2009 |
Sam Dodson, reporter of the Obscured Truth Network and free speech / free press activist, challenges his arresting officer on the legal meaning of fingerprinting.
Apparently it’s whatever a police officer wants it to be if they don’t like you and want to charge you with a crime. Video of about the first five minutes of the conversation is below.
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by Dale Everett | Jul 30, 2009 |

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One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. And yes, I am aware of the double entendre. Sucks that we don’t have a better male/female ratio in the Free State Project but I may as well use it to recruit some more gay guys.
This one was actually inspired by Puke over at Dooms Day Device who found a way to have a good laugh at the somewhat disappointing (for straight guys) ratio. I actually had to tone it down a little bit before I was comfortable with it. You know how outrageous I can be so that should say something!
Fret not, men. Fortunately the ratio seems to be getting better lately. Lots more ladies seem to be getting interested in the FSP.
Disclaimer: The Free State Project has not endorsed this message… and probably won’t.