by Dale Everett | Jul 23, 2009 |

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You’ve been explaining for years what went wrong with government! If people would just have the sense to put you in charge, you’d show them how to fix it. The #1 reason was suggested by former minarchist Travis Eden who gives some credit for his conversion to Anarchy In Your Head. Thanx for the inspiration, Travis, and congratulations on your recent enlightenment!
Isn’t reason #1 a big part of the problem with statism in general? Everyone has their idea of the perfect government but we’re all different. But there are certain things that we can all agree on, right? And you feel confidently enough about it that you’re okay with threatening violence against innocent people to impose it on them. The founding fathers juuuuuust missed it, but if we give your ideas a chance, you’ll tidy up the loose strings because you’ve got it all figured out.
Or maybe this comic doesn’t describe you at all. There have been a lot of comments along this series by people complaining about exactly that. A couple of thoughts. First, it’s a top ten list. Every item isn’t supposed to describe everyone. You’d be one screwed up statist if every single item described you! It’s not an exhaustive list either. It’s a top ten. Maybe you’re 11 or 37. Secondly, it’s a COMIC STRIP!! It’s supposed to be funny. It’s not a science. Hopefully some of them will inspire a few people to think about things in a new light, and hopefully some people will get a few laughs, but I’m not doing my graduate thesis on the psychological origins of irrational belief systems. I’m doodling in my spare time. Geez. Don’t get your panties in a wad over this series.
by Dale Everett | Jul 21, 2009 |
Hope Chapel, a local church, was the victim of an appalling act of vandalism recently and the insurance payment fell far short of what’s needed to repair the damage. The church is having a volunteer effort this Saturday at 9am to repaint the church. Free Keene frequently has news about what we are against. This is a chance to show what we are for. We’re for peaceful coexistence in a pluralist society where people with all different points of view can work together voluntarily for common goals and seek peaceful resolution of their differences. Whether you yourself are a Christian shouldn’t matter. I’m not. This church is a peaceful voluntary organization and they didn’t deserve this. It’s times like this when we have an opportunity to pull together and get to know our neighbors.
We’re expecting anywhere from a dozen to several dozen volunteers on behalf of Free Keene and I’d like to encourage our readers to come assist if you can. There will be supplies and refreshments on hand but if you have any tools that you think might come in handy, feel free to bring them. We are also encouraging donations to help replenish the funds that the church is having to deplete on supplies.
Hope to see you there!
* Directions *
by Dale Everett | Jul 18, 2009 |

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America! Fuck, yeah!
Inspired by Josh, a.k.a. Angry Josh. Of course I also have to give a hat tip to Trey Parker and Matt Stone for coining the phrase in Team America.
by Dale Everett | Jul 17, 2009 |
Around Labor Day weekend, Anarchy In Your Head will have been around for about 2 years. It’s been constantly evolving and changing over that time period. I started it barely even knowing how to draw. It’s been a great learning experience for me.
I started with one comic a week on a very loose schedule. I tried to get one out sometime each weekend. Soon after, I set Friday as a date and that helped force me to be a little more disciplined. It started as more of a political editorial cartoon but kind of reluctantly morphed into a comic strip, mostly by pressure of the expectations of others, though that’s a change that I ultimately was happy with. Later I added Wednesday comics. Being on a strict twice weekly schedule kept me coming up with new ideas and drawing regularly. The best way to learn, after all, is by doing. But as they said in X-Men, while evolution moves in little steps, sometimes it takes a major leap forward!
(Read On…)
by Dale Everett | Jul 16, 2009 |

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Because it’s obviously impossible to build and maintain roads without violence.