Pointless, Unhelpful Service from Bureaucrats

This morning on Dunbar St. in Keene, NH, the city truck salted down an entire private lot, presumably while on city time. The owner of this video wishes not to be named.

Could this be part of the reason why people resent paying taxes? When people don’t have a say in how their money is spent, it tends to get wasted! Is this the type of behavior you’d expect to see from local government bureaucrats?

Is Silence Better than Public Relations?

Ademo Freeman of CopBlock.org and Garret Ean of FreeConcord.org joined me to discuss the topic, “Is Silence Better than PR?” The answer depends on the individual, but Ademo & Garret draw some pretty clear lines of when it is a good or bad idea to go public with a criminal charge. Do you agree or disagree with their views? Please share your thoughts during tomorrow’s live episode of Peace News Now at 10p EST on LRN.fm.

Drop Amanda BillyRock’s Charges Immediately

This weekend I learned that a member of my community was arrested. Being naturally curious and a reporter for and about my community, I investigated. Countless people have messaged me asking for more information. Well, Ian beat me to it and published this blogpost detailing what he learned. I called the prosecutor, “Jim” Sawyer (603-524-2330) to ask him to drop the charges for these victimless crimes.

Let this serve as a reminder: Most of us are just one mis-step away from formal incarceration. It can happen as easily as getting pulled over, and BAM! 5 charges that will ruin your life. Is this the world you want to live in, or are you going to do something to change it? Creating a free society requires courage to think, speak, and act for yourself.

Do Call Floods Work?

Last night Amanda BillyRock was arrested by an agent of the Laconia Blue Light Gang. While the details are still coming in, some things we do know: She was pulled over, her car was impounded, she was put in a concrete cell overnight, and after a flood of phone calls, was released from her cell in the Belknap County Lockup today at approximately 1pm EST.

During my own phone call to the jail, the government agent on the other end told me that it was unlikely that Amanda would be released this weekend, but she was released just hours later! Was it a fluke? Or did the call-flood make the difference? Here’s the video I produced to encourage others to call:

FSP Reaches 15k Signers!

Congratulations to the Free State Project on reaching 75% of its goal to get 20,000 people to pledge to move to NH. If you’re waiting to sign up, what are you waiting for? Now’s the time! And for more updates like this one, Subscribe to PNN.