All Charges Dismissed Against Jason Talley

TalleyCase dismissed without prejudice, over the objection of the State.

Thank you to Assistant County Attorney John Webb and New Hampshire Associate Attorney General Richard Head for being both cordial and helpful adversaries in the legal process. Judge Barry was extremely professional as well, so I thank him also.

Congratulations to Jason Talley and thanks to all the anonymous lawyers who took time to comment, call, and offer advice!

State v. Jason Talley is Tomorrow at 9:00AM – You’re Ordered To Stand

The Cheshire County Superior Court has unequivocally asserted that it is completely within the Court’s prerogative to order violence to force you to stand in the courtroom when instructed. In the past this Court has even done such ridiculous things as ordering law enforcement officers to lift people up by their elbows and ordering people’s arrest for not standing… only to release them five minutes later and wish them a “Merry Christmas.”

This stuff is happening in the United States of America. Really.

As an officer of the Court, I must ask you to comply with the Court’s order and stand under your own power when attending Jason’s trial tomorrow. If you don’t stand, you may be physically lifted or imprisoned.

If you’re unable to stand or are injured, you may just have to explain yourself further.


Jason Talley filed a “Motion To Refrain From Authorizing Physical Force To Demand Respect.

The State objected and supported the notion of continued violence to make people stand.

The Court sided with the State in an stamped order.

Jason filed a “Motion To Reconsider” his original motion asking the Court not to use violence against the public.

The Court denied the “Motion To Reconsider.